European Summer School on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
12-19 September 2025
Application process
Applications for the 2025 Summer School will open on Monday 10th February 2025.
The deadline for applications will be Friday 30th May 2025.
Please read the attached guidance document carefully before submitting your application. It includes information about what questions you will be asked, supporting documentation you will need and terms and conditions for the course.
1. Travel insurance
All attendees at are required to have travel insurance in place and will be required to provide copies of their insurance certificate before being accepted on the course. This is not the same as "medical insurance". Please read the section on travel insurance carefully in advance.
2. Deadline for accepting a place & paying the delegate fee
Applicants will be notified whether they have been successful and have been allocated a place by 20th June 2025
To accept a place you will have two weeks to pay for your place and complete the second form with detailed information about your travel arrangements and poster abstracts etc.
All payments must be received by Friday 4th July 2025 to secure your place.
Any places not accepted and paid for by Friday 4th July 2025 will be released to other candidates on the waiting list.
A stripe invoice will be issued with details you supply during your application.
Payments can only be made by credit/debit card or by bank transfer via Stripe.
It is not possible to pay by cheque.
3. Poster details
When you confirm your place you will be asked to upload final poster details. Please ensure you have prepared this in advance. You will not be able to supply your poster details at a later date (or change them).
4. Cancellation
Cancellation of your place is only possible by Friday 18th July 2025.
After this time no refunds will be offered and you will need to apply to your insurance provider to claim any refund.
Waiting list
Once the main application deadline has closed a waiting list will open. Candidates who were not successful in the original round will be placed on this waiting list as well as anyone who applies late.
Preference will be given to applicants who applied on time but were not successful in the first round.
In the event that places become available on the course waiting list applicants will be considered. There is no guarantee that waiting list applicants will be given a place on the course. The latest date that waiting list applicants will be notified is Friday 25th July 2025. If you have not been successful in getting a place by this date please apply for next year's course.
In the event that a waiting list applicant is successful they will be asked to pay the registration fee and upload additional details such as poster abstracts etc. You will have one week to do so to confirm you place.
If you have any questions or problems please contact the Course Administrator: admin@stemcellsummerschool.org