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European Summer School on Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

12-19 September

COVID-19 information
Guidelines for the safety of course participants

The course organisers take the safety of all participants at the course (faculty and delegates) very seriously. 


For the safety of all participant at Hydra XV the organisers are therefore requiring the following: 


All attendees at Hydra XV are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (unless medically exempt) and will be required to provide copies of their vaccination (or medical exemption) documentation before being accepted on the course.


All attendees are required to take any COVID-19 tests (lateral flow or PCR) required by the organisers and to share their results with the organisers (eg through an NHS notification on similar). 


All attendees are required to notify the organisers if they test postive for COVID-19 whilst at the course. For the safety of all other attendees they agree to remove themselves from the course if they test positive at the course and to follow their government's guidance on self-isolation. 


All attendees at Hydra XV are required to have travel insurance in place and will be required to provide copies of their insurance certificate before being accepted on the course.


In the event that a participant tests positive in the week prior to attendance at Hydra XV attendees will be required to notify the organisers and they will use their travel insurance to seek reimbursement of their travel and delegate fee costs. 


We will continually review our COVID-19 policies in line with current UK government guidance.

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